

Own your politics

Hyejune Kim / Seoyeon Kim / Seongah Youn

OWN, "Own your politics" is a metaverse platform where citizens and political parties create policies together. OWN allows active and direct political participation starting from my current issues to publicizing, and making policies. Away from ‘political indifference’ and ‘passive political participation’, we make political participation friendly and fun through gamification using "stone," a metaphor for democracy in the past.


All page content is property of Hyejune Kim , Seoyeon Kim , Seongah Youn .

  • 4_profile_Hyejune-Kim.png

    Hyejune Kim


    Hello I am Hye June. I like focusing on the impact of design and how it reaches to people. Hope you enjoy.


    UX, Service, Interaction, 3D

  • 4_profile_Seoyeon-Kim.png

    Seoyeon Kim


    Hello, I'm Seo Yeon. I love to communicate with others and understand them as a designer.Thank you for watching my last project as a student.


    UX, Service,Interaction,Branding, Video graphy

  • 4_profile_Seongah-Youn.png

    Seongah Youn


    Hello I am Seongah. As a designer, I want to make a clear change by catching ordinary points in life. Thank you.


    UX, Service, Interaction, 3D

Project keyword
  • UX

  • Interaction

  • Service Design