

Futuristic MR Setup

Hyelim Shin / Youngin Cho

In 2030, humanity faces apocalypse by various fatal viruses. With CALYPSO MR(Mixed Reality) glasses, humans in the dystopian future will see the world in a playful way while protecting themselves from viruses. CALYPSO is an MR device composed of a wearable processor and MR glasses. The glasses have been designed with a new wearing method and provide visual data based on viruses' forms. Also, the wearable processors are equipped with air-charging technology and wireless data transmission.


All page content is property of Hyelim Shin , Youngin Cho .

  • 4_profile_HyelimShin.jpg

    Hyelim Shin


    Industrial designer interested in new technologies. I connect technology and people with empathy.


    Product design

  • 4_profile_YounginCho.jpg

    Youngin Cho


    Industrial designer interested in making visual artworks. I pursue a versatile designer who creates both physical and visual design.


    Product design/Visual design

Project keyword

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