

Daily protector kit

Halim Lee / Hyunseo Cho

Halo is a compact safe shield kit for PM(Personal Mobility) users. Recently, the use of personal mobility has increased, making it an important issue to keep ourselves safe when moving. Brand Halo reinterpreted individual protective equipment as a daily fashion items, so that users can easily use it in their daily lives. Inspired by the form of traffic safety signs, we added safety sign lighting to the X-shaped protector storage bag, which tells users where they are even in the dark of night.

It is designed to be easy to separate the guard with grooves and magnets. It is well ventilated and has a hygienic aspect as it can dry moisture inside the guard while keeping the bag upright after closing the case.


All page content is property of Halim Lee , Hyunseo Cho .

  • 4_profile_HalimLee.png

    Halim Lee


    Always seeking to experience many things. I try to think outside the box and create new designs. "creativity takes courage". This implies my attitude.


    Branding, Product design, Set design

  • 4_profile_HyunseoCho.png

    Hyunseo Cho


    I'm interested in solving various things around the world in design languages. With a rich metaphor, I want to understand profoundly where I live.


    Branding, Product design

Project keyword
  • Interaction

  • Wearable

  • Personal Mobility