

Reality-Metaverse mobility

Jaesub Kim

One of the main features of metaverse is materialization of things that were not embodied as physical goods. That means ordinary movement from reality which was not considerd as a valuable asset can be treated as sources of the metaverse creation. Mobility experience and movement data will be collected and the metaverse contents will be created by that data. SNOW GLOBE concept is a mobility that can deal with data circulation between reality and metaverse.

3D sketch helped to visualize diverse ideas with  checking package. Two proportion came out from this process which one was compact and the other was little bit sporty and long. This variation process was helpful to refine design in later process.


All page content is property of Jaesub Kim .

  • B652012-김재섭-프로필사진.png

    Jaesub Kim


    Majoring in mobility design in Hongik university. Espescially interested in future mobility scenario and sustainability.


    Mobility design

Project keyword

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